Alfred the Great, King of Wessex Alfred, the son of
Aethelwulf and
Osburga, was born in about 848 at Wantage in Oxfordshire. The Ridgeway, leading to the site of the Battle of Ashdown, In April 871 Alfred succeeded his brother,
Aethelred, to the throne of a kingdom largely
overrun by Vikings. But within weeks, he had won a great victory, defeating the
invaders at Ashdown. In May 878 Alfred routed the Vikings at Edington in Wiltshire, driving them back to their stronghold at Chippenham. A few weeks later their leader, Guthrum, agreed to withdraw from Wessex, though the Vikings did continue to occupy Mercia, East Anglia and Northumbria. Apart from being a great warrior, Alfred was a fine scholar and promoted learning and religion, he also developed a law code. He established the first parliament in England by gathering together bishops, ealdormen and thanes who met twice a year to advise on governing the kingdom. King Alfred died October 26 899 and is buried in Hyde Abbey. He was succeeded by his son, Edward the Elder. His widow, Ealhswith, who became a nun at St Mary's, Winchester, died at Winchester on December 5 902.