Henry I Beauclerc, King of England Henry, the son of
William I and Matilda of
Flanders, was born in September 1068, possibly and Selby in Yorkshire
Henry I and his first wife, Eadgyth When William II died his brother, Robert, should have succeeded to the English crown. However, Robert was on a Crusade and this allowed Henry I to claim the throne. Robert attempted to invade but found his brother's position too secure. In fact Henry invaded Normandy in 1106 and despatched his brother Robert to Cardiff Castle for imprisonment. Matilda, Henry's first wife, was a daughter of Malcolm III of Scotland. Their son, William was next in line for the throne but he drowned in 1120 when the White Ship sank in the English Channel. This left their daughter, Matilda, heir to the English throne. She was however prevented from succeeding in 1125 by Stephen, Count of Blois, who seized the crown when Henry I died. Henry died at St Denis-le-Fermont, Rouen, and was buried in Reading Abbey. Reading Abbey, Berkshire, was founded by Henry I in 1121. Adeliza died at the Palace of Westminster May 11 1118.