Henry IV Bolingbroke, King of England Henry of Bolingbroke, the son of
John of Gaunt and Blanche,
daughter of Henry of Grosmont, was born April 3 1367 at Bolingbroke in
Left: Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire. Henry of Bolingbroke's English estates were seized by Richard II in 1398 and he was banished from the country. He returned the following year to fight for his inheritance and forced Richard II to abdicate. Parliament then recognised him as the new monarch. His thirteen-year reign was dogged by wars; the Scots raided the north of England, the Welsh made a bid for independence, and the French attacked the south coast. He was convinced that he would die in Jerusalem and that he could delay the event until he travelled there. In March 1413 he suffered a seizure in Westminster Abbey and was taken to the Jerusalem Chamber where he died. He was succeeded by his son, Henry V. Jeanne of Navarre died at Havering Bower, Essex, July 1437, and was buried in Canterbury Cathedral.