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Calendar Pipe Rolls, Public Records Office.
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Disbury, D. G., Berkshire in the Civil War.
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Godsal, P. T., The Storming of London and the Thames Valley Campaign. Harrison &
son. 1908.
Heralds Visitations. Harleian Society.
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Lloyd, F., Woodley in the 19th Century. Reading Libraries. 1977.
Man, J., The History and Antiquities of the Borough of Reading.1816.
Middleton, G. T. M., Royal Berkshire. Barracuda Books Ltd. 1979.
Morgan, P., Domesday Book. Berkshire. Phillimore & Co. Ltd. 1979.
Perkins, G. A., The Book of Sonning. Barracuda Books Ltd. 1977.
Pevsner, N., The Buildings of England. Berkshire. Penguin Books.1966.
Rich-Jones, W. H., Register of St. Osmund. Longman & Co. 1884.
Richardson, J., The Local Historian's Encyclopaedia. Historical Publications.
Robertson, H. R., Life on the Upper Thames. Virtue Spalding & Co.1875.
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Walford, E., Walfords County Families of the United Kingdom. Chatto Windus.
Wilson. D. G., The Making of the Middle Thames. Spurbooks Ltd.1977.
Wimberley, Rev. C. F., A History of the Parish of Hurst. Thomas Hunt. 1937.
Young, C. R., The Royal Forests of Medieval England. Leicester University Press.
Other publications and Manuscripts.
Charity Commissioner's Reports.
Draft Tithe Map Berkshire Record Office. D/EZG P2.
Grant of Land at Whistley. British Library. Cot. B VI f71 © 72.
Hearth Tax Returns. Public Record Office.
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The Bounds at Bill Hill. British Library. Add. ch. 38727.
Winnersh Inclosure. Berkshire Record Office. Q RDC 102.