Acknowledgements It would have been impossible to write the Book of Hurst, or create this CD-Rom, without the willing help of many people. I would like to thank those who have passed on their knowledge of the past, and in particular, those people who have been kind enough to lend photographs and documents for inclusion in this history. My thanks go to : The Hurst Village Society, Twyford and Ruscombe Local History Society, The Society of Genealogists, The Berkshire Record Office, Reading Public Library, The Public Record Office, The Museum of English Rural Life, The British Library, Adwest Properties Ltd, Harry Margary and British Rail. And to : Mrs. Stagg, Mrs. Eeles, John Harvey, Claud Johnson, Mr. Loader, Salter Chalker, Mrs Norma Hose, John Laughland, Ted Whitaker, Arnold Hutchins, Peter Riding, Mrs Sue Rose, Mrs. Read, Mrs. Mc Phail, John Finch. Jack Cooper, Rev. P. W. Trutwein, Rev. David West, W Chapman, Mrs. Joan Reay, Mrs. Beasley, John Philips, Mr Elliot, Arthur Dance, Mrs. Bowie, Dennis Hicks, Mrs. Whitfield, Mrs Smith, Mr. & Mrs. G White, Alan Godsal, F W Woolford, Percy J Lee and Mrs. Andrews. (who was 99 years old in 1984.) Also to my wife Elizabeth. My only regret is that I have not been able include all the people and events that are worthy of finding a place in this book. But I am cheered by the thought that, in the future, people will arrive to discover the history that I have not been able to uncover. In preparation of this CD-ROM, I would particularly like to thank Mr John Finch, President of the Twyford and Ruscombe Local History Society, Barbara Stonehouse, Mr John Bayliss, Annette Drake, Gerry Siddall, David Langton, David Shapland and the Hurst Village Society, John Phillips, Ian Richardson and all those who have kindly given permission to have recent photographs taken of their homes. Henry Farrar, 1984 - 2001